How to build fitness no matter what level of fitness you happen to have. How to build endurance and the multiple types of endurance. How to build strength and hypertrophy, which is the growth of muscle fibers. If you seek to get stronger or build bigger muscles, or build endurance, or all those things, you will learn how with our expert physical trainers at ESP.
You will also learn how to build flexibility, how to hydrate properly for exercise. You will learn about nutrition and supplementation. Our physical trainers span all levels of exercise science which allows them to build specific training programs to build strength, muscles or to build more endurance.
At ESP, we train recreational athletes as well as professional athletes in a wide variety of sports, using hands-on methods to increase strength, hypertrophy, and endurance performance. We discuss with our clients fundamental principles of strength and hypertrophy training and building endurance, the mechanisms underlying them, and we review specific protocols to optimize training and recovery.
We also discuss with our clients sleep, nutrition, supplements, and mental tools that can be leveraged to accelerate adaptations leading to enhanced strength, muscle growth and/or endurance.